1946-, Forty-second President of the USA
I ask you to join in a re-United States. We need to empower our people so they can take more responsibility for their own lives in a world that is ever smaller, where everyone counts. We need a new spirit of community, a sense that we are all in this together, or the American Dream will continue to wither. Our destiny is bound up with the destiny of every other American.
Bill Clinton – [Involvement]

I have news for the forces of greed and the defenders of the status quo; your time has come and gone. It's time for change in America.
Bill Clinton – [Greed]

It's the economy, stupid.
Bill Clinton – [Business]

Just as war is freedom's cost, disagreement is freedom's privilege.
Bill Clinton – [Freedom]

Our generation, like the one before us, must choose. Without the threat of the Cold War, without the pain of economic ruin, without the fresh memory of World War II's slaughter, it is tempting to pursue our private agendas — to simply sit back and let history unfold. We must resist the temptation.
Bill Clinton – [Choice]

Pessimism is an excuse for not trying and a guarantee to a personal failure.
Bill Clinton – [Pessimism]

When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it, and I didn't inhale, and I never tried again.
Bill Clinton – [Politicians and Politics]

You need to know that a member of Congress who refuses to allow the minimum wage to come up for a vote made more money during last year's one-month government shutdown than a minimum wage worker makes in an entire year.
Bill Clinton – [Politicians and Politics]